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Maximilien Rouer

MSc AgroParisTech. 25 years of consulting, finance & entrepreneurship in sustainable development. Co-founder of BeCitizen with Anne Gouyon, now part of Greenflex group, and co-writer of Réparer la Planète, award-winning best-seller on regenerative economy solutions in 2007. Founder of La Note Globale, the first multi-criteria, collaborative rating agency for agro-food products.

Professional Skills

Climate and Sustainable development 99%
Enterprise development 80%
Eco-rating 70%
Leadership 90%

Experience & Activities

MSc AgroParisTech, 25 years of consulting, finance & entrepreneurship in sustainable development. Co-founder of BeCitizen with Anne Gouyon, now part of Greenflex group, and co-writer of Réparer la Planète, award-winning best-seller on regenerative economy solutions in 2007. Ex-Vice President of Terrena. Founder of La Note Globale, the first multi-criteria, collaborative rating agency for agro-food products.